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You are Created for so much more than an Ordinary Life

Acts 17:28 “For in Him we live and move and have His being.”

Every single time I pack up my suitcase, hit the road, forget about schedules and the “busy life” God takes the wheel and shows me the wonders of His world in new and profound ways.

This time I traveled with my golden girls, Lisa and Taylor for eight unforgettable days. Through the mountains of Colorado, the palm trees in Vegas and the desert sunshine of Arizona, God gave me three words: surrender, obedience and faith.

He gave me a new approach as to how I should live out my life. He reminded me that my soul purpose is not really my purpose, but His alone. He is the reason I get out of bed. He is the reason why I take the risks. He is the reason why I must go where I do not really want to because He is my purpose. He is my Father, my refuge and the King of my heart.

When people first think of the word “Christian” and what it means the first response is usually, “to be saved from our sins.” While yes that is correct, there is a deeper understanding and meaning behind being a follower of Christ.

We are created to glorify Christ. This world is corrupt and evil but we are made to bring this world back to where and how God first intended it to be. A world where worshiping God is natural. A world where loving others first, rather than our selves, is a priority. A place where we forgive our cheating and lying brother or sister because that is what Christ did for us.

We are created for so much more than an ordinary life.

Whether we are on a mission field overseas or whether we are on a mission field in the secular office, we are ALL called to glorify Christ. This is not an overnight, one-time decision. This is going to take surrender, obedience and faith. This is also going to mean taking the time to build our relationship with God.

I know too many people who think they do not have a purpose in life. They are depressed, doubtful and sometimes just too plain selfish. I am guilty of all three. But when we simply take the light off our own lives saying “me, me ,me” and start saying “God’s way, God’s way, God’s way,” life makes so much more sense. This world corrupts our minds to believe that this life is all about what we can get out of it. Yes, God created beautiful and amazing creatures, scenery and people for us, but if we get so lost in the thick of it and forget to glorify and honor Him that is when disappointment, failure and depression kick in. Do not be surprised when this happens. God already has warned us in His Word what happens when we do not live for Him.

God sees your pain. He sees your sleepless nights. He sees when your manager cuts you apart. He sees you trying to provide for your kids even when you have only 15 dollars in the bank. He knows you more than anyone ever will. He is here and He calls you to His glorious purpose.

You see, this is not our purpose for living, it is God’s evident plan from the beginning of time to make our purpose HIS PURPOSE. When we forget about ourselves and focus on the One who is the source of all life, living this crazy, messed up, dark, unpredictable life makes sense and we start to realize why we are truly meant to be here.

This is the secret to living this life.

It is not about self glory. It is not about selfish ambitions. It is about running the race to win the prize which Christ has for you and for me! It is about standing up for what Jesus died on the cross for. It is about never quitting even when you feel you have nothing left in you. It is about being the outcast. It is about being different than the “Christians” who talk about Christ but never live out His lifestyle. It is about glorifying the Maker of all things.

You represent Christ. You are His ambassador.

Wherever you are is not an accident. He is waiting for you to act out His purpose.

When we start glorifying and bringing honour to God’s name, instead of our own, there comes a sweet joy deep in our soul. You will feel a sensation unlike anything this world can offer you. Yes, you will still have your bad days. You will still feel pain, but with God you will become unshakable.

He holds the universe in His hands. This is how big our Father and King is and how much He adores and loves us.

One day ever knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Start today.

Start small but don’t stop until glorifying Christ and putting Him first becomes so natural nothing else matters.

Step out. Speak up. Love much. Live big. Dream the impossible and never forget His purpose.

You are made for so much more than an ordinary life.

2016 - Sarah Evangline

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