Cross that Finish Line
If someone had sat me down 5 years ago and told me all the things I have accomplished and experienced up until now, I would have laughed at them. It is true when God's Word says, no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind can fully understand what God have prepared for those who love Him. God has taken me on this adventure I call faith and I have crossed a finish line.
Sure, like many, I have had my setbacks. I have had failures. I have had hard times, but when I crossed the finish line, I know that everything I worked hard for was worth it. This past Saturday I walked across a stage knowing I had finished my degree. Wow. It may seem like a small achievement to some people, but when God sees His people complete tasks He has given them, I know there is a party in heaven.
Do you set goals and conquer them or do you hide them under the rug? Do you have a vision or dream that you chase after? Do you dare to go after what seems to be impossible? Along this crazy journey, I have learned how to make my goals attainable and I am starting to see my dreams become a reality. You can too.
I am going to share with you my 10 key truths and I hope you can set goals, chase after dreams and cross that finish line. I truly believe that the best days are ahead.
Dedication is defined in the dictionary as a discovery that someone establishes. It is a process in achieving greatness. Dedication involves discipline, perseverance, hard work and strength of character. It doesn’t let failure be the end-all, but rises above the problem to start again and do better. Never let one bad day be an excuse to quit. Dedication is a long process and the key is never giving up. So do you have it? Are you dedicated to cross the finish line?
2. Prayer
It is called praying without ceasing. I know, some days it is hard to surrender to God and give 100% of ourselves to Him, but seriously, that is the best way to live. When we knell in surrender to God we can stand up to anything. God calls us out of a lifestyle of fear, to become fearless in Him. Fearlessness doesn’t mean you and I will never be afraid of anything, it means that we will give up our lives for Christ and look to Him for direction. It is about radical prayer. Let God to go before you.
3. Faith
Ah, this is my favourite word. Faith. Once a dream or goal has been made in our hearts and minds, it has to grow. How does it grow? By faith. For faith believes in what is not yet to come. Faith is the hope for what is not yet seen. Stated another way, goal-driven people believe and know their dreams will happen before they actually do. God says in His Word that we can tell Him our plans, but He will always determine our steps. So will you let Him? Start living by faith.
4. Integrity
This world is sadly lacking integrity. Integrity is defined as the steadfast and constant endurance despite corruption. Integrity is about knowing our values, morals and standing firm in them. It is also about not allowing anything divide you. It doesn’t matter how big or small the goal is; integrity should always win. Who are you when no one is watching? Find time to take off the mask, be real with yourself and figure out what your true values and morals are. Then, stick to them. Trust me, when you have integrity you will become unshakable.
5. Stillness
This point could be a part of integrity, but I wanted to give it its own importance. For integrity and everything I am talking about is rooted in solitude and stillness with God. I am a true believer that our goals and dreams are born when we spend quality time with Him. It’s about doing less and being more. Be humble, be still and live for the audience of the One who matters most.
6. People
There are people in our lives we need to depend and lean on while we chase after our dreams. I am so grateful for all the people who challenged me, encouraged me and believed in me, even at my worst. Look around you. Share your goals and visions with people. When two or more are gathered, great things can happen.
7. Patience
Do not be surprised when you have setbacks. Goals, ambitions, desires, dreams; they all have a waiting period. They all take time, effort, energy, and sometimes a lot of money. Through the waiting, endure it. Keep your faith, prayer and determination. For when we endure hard times, God knows our faith is genuine.
8. Gratitude & Attitude
I have to thank my Lord and Savior for getting me to where I am today. He never gives up on us, even when we doubt and forget He’s there. Having a thankful and cheerful heart helps us get through those tough mistakes and rough patches. Like I always say, laughter is the best medicine and having a thankful heart heals wounds. Just think for a second: you can either complain about the situation you are in, or you can look at the positive side have a cheerful heart. Have you thanked God for your life today? Make gratitude a part of every day.
9. Encouragement
People who go after their dreams and goals do not just think about themselves, but also help others chase after their visions too. A major key in going after our dreams and goals is to be selfless. This life is really not about you or me. Scripture tells us that we are to spur and encourage each other. To this day, I remember all the people who encouraged me, but I also remember all the people who damaged my dreams and thoughts. I want people around me to always chase after their dreams so that when they become my age, they will be stronger and bolder than I ever was at that age. Remember, this life is not just about you. Who can you encourage today?
10. Listen
The greatest finish line we will cross is when we step into the gates of heaven. Until then, you and I have a lot of work to do. There is an area of influence God assigned to every single one of us. God plants desires and passions in our lives for a purpose. The key is to listen to God in our hearts and minds. Scripture tells us that if we are faithful with the small tasks we can be faithful with the big tasks. So start small. Take that first step of faith. Be sensitive to His leading. Listen to Him and lean on Him for all understanding.
The best days are ahead.
Be Empowered:
With goodwill doing service, as to the Lord and not to men – Eph. 6:7
Forgetting the things which are behind me, I reach forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus – Phil. 3:13-14