I love packing my bags, grabbing my sunglasses and setting out onto an adventure. Sometimes it is just an hour away to my favourite coffee shop on the lake, sometimes it is a road trip with my girls and sometimes it is across the ocean. I could actually live out of a suitcase for the rest of my life, if I really wanted to.
This one particular time, I was traveling from Hamilton back to my home city of Chatham. Usually these road trips are boring and do not mean much to me, but somehow, God always tries to speak to me in these moments. This time, He gave me the word simplicity. I didn’t know why, but the sky became so bright and clear. As I looked up, I was reminded that this crazy, complex life is actually very simple.
As a pondered this word, “simplicity,” a few things came to mind. I started to ask a lot of questions. Why is it that we try so hard to complicate our Christian faith? Why is it that we spend so much time on man-made rules, instead of just digging deep into God’s Word? Why do we insist on filling our life with noise, instead of waiting to hear God’s still, small voice?
God lit up the sky that day; just to remind me that He is with me.
Do you know who Jesus is?
He is the One who healed the blind and fed the hungry. He is the man who walked the streets, sharing the love of God, regardless of where He would lay His head down at night. He is the One who could have been a king, living in a castle, but lived as a servant to bring redemption to His people.
He is the one who carried the bloody cross for you and for me.
And yet, when I reflect on the life Jesus lived, I wonder, can I do the same?
The world around us is only getting more and more complex, complicated and loud. Even we Christians can get so busy, worrying about activities, events and planned-schedules... Yes we are try to do all we can to grow the Kingdom, but what about our lives individually?
Slowly more and more people are drifting away from the main cause of life.
The simplicity of Jesus.
Just take a look around you. His simplicity is everywhere. It is in the sunrises and sunsets. It is in the blooming of flowers in Spring. It is when the leaves fall at thanksgiving time. It is in the rainbow after a storm.
Your Christian walk doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think.
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I wonder how many of us spend so much time worrying about doing all the right things in life that it is actually interrupting our relationship with God. Could we be stressing so much about God’s perfect will for our lives that we’re actually missing out on the bigger (in this case, smaller) picture?
What it comes down to, by living in this kind of simplicity, is our companionship with the Lord. Are we walking with Him daily? Are we able to pray amidst the chaos of the world? Do we seek Him above all other needs?
I want to just be in that kind of simplicity.
I am starting to believe that the greatest treasures are found in what is small, simple and still.
And this is where true joy is born.
Because everything in this world will soon pass away, but the things of eternity, are well, eternal.
Just think about it...
The simplicity of Jesus.
Be Empowered:
If you want to read more of the Jesus story, open your Bibles to the book of Luke and start to be amazed at the legacy of Jesus.