To the Girl who is in Desperate Need of Some God-Confidence
The most famous question I get asked is, "What do you plan to do with your life?" If I am honest, lately, I have been having some trouble answering this question. Sure, I know that I am exactly where I need to be and I know God has brought me this far, so He will guide me to the next step...
But, if I am still honest, some days, I feel weighed down by all the stress that comes with daily life. Some days, I have trouble remembering God is in control. And the worst days of all are when I try to do everything in my own strength.
I seriously need some God-confidence.
'Cause God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but a spirit of POWER, LOVE & SELF-DISCIPLINE.
Are you a girl who is worrying constantly about the future? Are you struggling, looking for something to fill an empty void? Are you finding it hard to even get up in the morning?
Girl, you need some God-confidence in your life!
Because you simply cannot do life on your own. And soon, all those "things" that you are trying to fill that empty void will wear off and you will be exactly where you first started: drifting through life, wondering if it is even worth it.
BUT, it is totally legit to say you have no idea what is up ahead.
Cause none of us do.
I mean, if God gave us all the answers today, why would we even bother trusting Him at all?
God is a God who is smart, fair, just and who is always looking out for our good. And with some God-confidence, slowly but surely, His desires will soon start to become ours and an amazing thing happens.
We find true purpose and meaning in life.
I am just an imperfect girl who loves a perfect and amazing God.
And you can too.
So, smile girl.
Walk with your head held high. Endure the hard times. Work through the battles this world will throw at you. Be brave in the storms and run towards the gift of eternal life.
Trust God with all your dreams and plans and never, ever give up on Him because of what hasn't happened yet.
You ARE the girl who is going to be clothed with GOD'S CONFIDENCE and STRENGTH. Let God be your joy and you can laugh without fear of the future.
Today, all I can say is that I am trusting in the One who holds everything in place. For the JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH.
So, I will not be ashamed.
And as for today, I am going to enjoy every moment while living it to the fullest.
Whose with me?
Be Empowered:
Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future.
2 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but a spirit of love, power and self-discipline.
Psalm 46:5 God is within her. She will not fall.