Paint the Future
Matthew 19:14 (NIV) says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Paint the Future weekend was a testament that we all have a story to tell-a picture to paint. Everyone is here to bring light into the darkness of the world. We bring out the God-colours into the world.
The children and youth of Chatham Corps discovered how to express their praise to God through prayer walks, glow-in-the-dark painting, worship, devotions and a disaster survival game. There was also time to get out in the community and spend alone time with God. Paint the Future was a celebration to focus on the future instead of the past.
One boy from this weekend said, “It gave me a chance to grow with my friends as we praised the Lord through activities.” Another said this weekend showed him, “how family and God can come together to help each other.” A girl said, “I admired how so many people came out to support the events.” Still another profoundly said, “it pretty much shows how God creates something and everyone can create something.”
God has a glorious purpose, and each child got to experience that in his or her own special way. The beautiful thing is God has given each child a choice. The pencil does whatever the owner decides. The key is that these young people need someone to empower them by actually handing the pencil over so each child can start painting their own picture.
Melissa, who is a sixteen year old girl, said “My hope for children and youth in Chatham-Kent and the world is that they will learn about God, but they must be introduced to it.” I had to ask myself, “How will my life add colour to the lives of the children I come into contact with? What difference will my life make in the life of a child?
You see, this weekend cannot end here. These children desperately need you and me to help them flourish as they paint. Every single day God will be shaping these children’s lives to match His calling for them. And they cannot do it alone. While this world shouts for them to grow fast, God is concerned about how strong, tough and durable these children become, through Him.
What if I told you, you had the chance to speak life into a child's future? What if I told you, you could be the only voice of encouragement to help a youth live out his or her dream? What if I told you, you had the power to motivate the younger generation to live radically for Christ?
Every child matters. Every child needs someone in their life who is going to motivate, encourage and empower them. My hope and prayer is that we never stop believing in our young people. I strongly urge you to never limit what God can do for a child’s life. They are all around us. They are watching how we act, talk and handle situations. They are looking to us to be their role-models and examples. With EVERY single child we come into contact with, we have the chance to either hinder or empower them.
And remember, Jesus proclaims that the Kingdom of heaven belongs to these children. So let’s get up from the sidelines and start cheering them on! Let’s all add some colour to God’s grand masterpiece.
Here are a few more pictures from this past weekend:
The youth had a blast with paint wars and a survival disaster game!
I am SO proud of the Singing Company as they are teaching us SO much about God's love through music!