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Integrity: Every Day Counts





I want you to be the girl who turns her cant’s into cans and her dreams into actual plans.

Personal integrity is the key ingredient. It doesn’t matter how big or small the goal is; integrity should always win. Integrity is the steadfast and constant endurance despite corruption. Integrity is about knowing our values, morals and standing firm in them. It is also about not allowing anything divide you. Integrity is being able to walk the talk. The simple daily actions are critical because they create the foundation. Every single day, we can make stepping stones by our actions that are aligned with our goals, dreams and even our calling. If we fail to make this action plan, we will fall off track and drift away.

Who are you when no one is watching? Do you take steps ahead, or are you living in past regret? Do you love to talk, but struggle with putting your words into action? Find time to take off the mask, be real with yourself and figure out what your true values and morals are.

Then, stick to them.

Be the girl who turns her doubt into hope, her fear into faith and her weaknesses into strengths.

You and I are created to make this life count. While a day to us may seem like no time to foster our dreams, God will use every day to shape you character for your specific calling. Isn’t this amazing?

Don’t waste time. Don’t back down.

God desperately wants you to pay attention.

He wants you to be fierce and real.

Let’s refuse to give our less when we could have the best in Christ.

Every day is a gift. Only you can live it. Only you can take the action steps to get there. Do you want to live life to the fullest or do you want to settle for second best?

You also owe it to yourself to believe in your capabilities. If you believe, “I can’t do it,” guess what? You won’t do it, but if you truly believe, “I can do it. I can conquer anything through Christ,” then you are already making your first stepping stone in the right direction! I believe in you. And most importantly, God believes in you too. Stand up, girl. You can and will make these visions a reality. Start fostering your integrity and always remember to let God go before you. I am so excited for each and every one of you!

2016 - Sarah Evangline

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