Becoming FEARLESS in HIS Love
The question I have been asking myself lately is: How can I truly live life to the fullest, knowing I am fully and endlessly loved by God if my eyes are only on myself?
I think that is a question we all need to ask ourselves.
We live in a society where being self-absorbed and vain is normal and accepted. We live in North America, where all we care about it what we can gain from something, leaving us with not only acting selfish, but having a selfish mind-set. And what is worst of all is that we live in a world where the means of survival is to only care about our own needs.
Seriously. Did you know that?
I am sad to say, that I know for myself, most of the time I live life like I am STUCK. Stuck in thinking only of me, me, me. Ah.
I mean, we live this way because it makes us feel safe, right? It is actually the easy way out for a lot of us. It is harder to care for others than ourselves. It is a challenge to go out of our way to help our neighbour or friend. Or is it? Are we simply making up excuses? Are we just putting up our own barriers?
Today, I am asking you to be both courageous and creative. You see, we can’t live like this anymore. At least I know I can’t. It’s not worth it. It only leaves me dry, yearning for more out of life.
Are you seeing the problem here?
We are settling.
We are limiting ourselves.
We are actually, literally putting a box around ourselves.
I know, it’s hard. And this is never going to be an overnight change.
But there is hope.
We can look to Jesus.
You see, He lived the most selfless life. He literally took up His cross to die for you and me. Now, I know today we don’t see people dying and giving of themselves in this way, but we are told by Scripture and God’s LIVING Word that we are to follow Christ’s example, take up our cross and follow Him.
So what does this mean exactly?
It simply means that when we decrease, He increases.
When we think less about me, me, me, and more about God's way, God's way, God's way, the doors of His JOY and His LOVE are opened wide.
And God widens our horizon.
Cause, honestly, life is so narrow-viewed when we live only for ourselves.
We have the opportunity it be FEARLESS in HIS love.
You all have the potential of this. It is planted inside of you, but you have to let it grow.
Your thinking is shaped by your reality. We have to change our thinking and mind-set, so we can put to action what we are learning here.
We have to CHANGE.
Change is inevitable. I think back to who I was just two years ago, and I feel like a completely different person. Yet, I know there are so many more things ahead that will change, stretch, grow me. There are still so many mountains to climb. I have so many unanswered questions
Did you know change is due to two reasons? We change and are motivated by either FEAR or LOVE.
Most of us, are chained but what we are afraid of. We create a box around ourselves so we don’t get too wrecked in the storm.
BUT did you know that perfect love casts out fear?
Ah. Love. God. His unfailing love.
Yes, it is real. Yes, He gives it away freely.
God so wants to take you into the unknown. He wants to change you from the inside out. He wants you to live out your God-sized dreams and make them into a reality. So will you step into it? Step into His love?
LIVE cause you ARE LOVED. By the Creator of the moon and stars; by the One who made all of creation. Don’t be afraid of change, instead jump.
Remember, becoming FEARLESS doesn’t mean we are never afraid of anything; it is letting God go before you and trusting Him through it.
So will you be fearless with me in looking out for the interests of others?
Will you be courageous enough to start being more selfless?
Will you step into the unknown of taking your eyes off of yourself and gaze upon Jesus?
We are all capable of it. But it’s a choice only you can make.
I will ask the question again: Can we truly live life to the fullest if our eyes are only on ourselves?
When you answer that, you will make your first step in becoming FEARLESS in HIS love <3