To the Girl who Questions her Purpose (Like Every Single Day)
Why am I even here?
How can God use me?
I have no idea if what I am doing today even matters!
What is the point?
I am not even good enough.
To the girl who is questioning her purpose.
You are not alone.
Cause girl, most days I am so full of discouragement, doubt and fear. I don’t have all of the answers. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I have so many unanswered prayers. Is God even listening?
I struggle with trusting God. I struggle with truly believing His ways are always good. I have trouble discerning HIS voice in the midst of a very noisy world. I overthink everything and ask the question: Is what I am doing today, really what God wants me to do?
Yet, I know my God has each one of us here for a divine purpose. I know it. He has shown me along this crazy adventure of life, that there is a glorious purpose woven into every single thing.
I want to share with you the secrets to understanding why questioning your purpose is actually a good thing.
AND share with you the GLORIOUS PURPOSE we are already called to.
To the girl who is questioning her purpose,
you matter & you are here for a divine reason.
FIRSTLY, we are fearfully and wonderfully made!
I encourage you to open your Bibles to Psalm 139 and soak in God’s truth.
Do you know what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made?
It means that God had a divine plan when He formed you in your mother’s womb. He loves us all equal, but made us to be individually different and unique with a purpose and plan.
It means that we are to be fearfully and wonderfully different from one another. We have the beautiful gift of simply being ourselves. God gave us creativity, ambition, and an individual mind-set.
So, never be afraid to be different. Don’t be afraid to beat a different rhythm than others.
Embrace who God has created you to be. Love yourself for who YOU ARE TODAY.
'Cause girl, God will never help us be someone we aren't.
When God looks at you He sees: CHOSEN, LOVED, FORGIVEN, ROYAL, SACRED, WHOLE, TREASURED, ADORNED and so much more!
Start to see yourself through His eyes AND you will start to see how you have something to bring to this world no one else can.
SECONDLY, we can never base our purpose on a feeling.
Feelings and emotions were given to us to experience life. BUT we cannot let our feelings dictate to us our faith and worth in God. ‘Cause girl, there will always be another day where we feel worthless and empty in our purpose.
And feelings will always come and go, but God remains forever.
We need to cloth our mind and heart with HIS STRENGTH and DIGNITY so we can laugh without fear of the future (proverbs 31:25).
THIRDLY, we were made to be more like Christ EVERY DAY!
If we are willing, God will use every day to build our character to match His beautiful design.
This is called integrity, and we all need it to walk this thing call life.
As you strive for Christ-likeness, you will start to answer your questions about your true purpose.
You see, this life is actually about God, it was never meant to be about us. And that truth SET ME FREE. When I become more Christ-like, living this crazy, unpredictable, messy life starts to make sense!
FOURTHLY, we need not only a heart seeking after God, but we need a MIND seeking after Him too.
Right now, God is working ALL THING OUT FOR YOUR GOOD! ALL THINGS! He has you in mind every single minute. Isn't that amazing? Nothing goes unnoticed by our King.
Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows His plan and purpose for each of us. He wants to prosper us and give us true HOPE. YET, if we were to read more in this passage we will see in verse 13 that we are to SEEK AFTER HIM WITH ALL OUR HEART and MIND!
If we want to know our life purpose, we must seek God out and fill His Word and Truth in our mind and heart.
Make prayer and time with God a priority in your life. Remain in Him, and He will remain in you.
AND, God will never be finished with our story.
God has more in store for you - more than you could possibly know today. SO, what if we were never meant to know the answers?
I think part of our purpose is TRUSTING God with our story.
He will always be working on us, so we must trust Him with His timing.
When you start to surrender your life to God, you will start to see the beauty of that glorious purpose.
LASTLY, the golden rule to understand your HIGHEST CALLING is simply to receive God's love and then go live it out.
God loves you with an everlasting love; a love where there will be no end. When Jesus breathed His last breathe on the hill at Calvary, He had you in His mind. He wanted to give you life and to the FULLEST.
So while most of us want this BIG, LOUD, FAMOUS purpose, God calls us to something so simple, yet so profound.
To know you are loved by the Creator of the world and then go live it out.
Make His love apart of every aspect of your life.
'Cause girl that is the GLORIOUS PURPOSE for this world
We were created to point others to the same love we received so they too can find their purpose and meaning in life.
Honour God first.
And you will start to how living this crazy life starts to make sense.
That is your purpose today and every day.
Receive God's unending love for you and then GO LIVE IT OUT.
I want to share the passage of Scripture that changed my life forever. It helps me to keep my focus on Christ as a live out my life day-by-day:
Psalm 63:
You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your right hand upholds me