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Faithfulness Abounds Through our Insecurity

The Sisterhood of Walking Barefoot with Jesus is currently working through a bible study on Esther. I thought I would contribute some of my thoughts on this ancient text. As I read through the book of Esther there were many themes that came to the forefront, but this blog will focus on how insecurity affects our actions. Think of a time in your life when you were insecure. How did you handle it?

In the story of Esther, there are many ways the characters deal with their insecurity. The reader is given many instances where insecurity has led to bad decision making, but there is one character that rises above the rest because her soul is confident and at rest in the Lord.

One sees an example of insecurity in the very first chapter, where after having an elaborate banquet to “display the splendor and pomp of his majesty” (1:4) (already an insecure act), the King calls for Queen Vashti to show off her beauty (1:11). When she refuses, this fuels the King’s “anger and rage” (insecurity hidden by aggression) and then spreads his insecurity to his officials, who in turn make a law that “every man must be the master of his household” (1:22). Notice that the only reason for this law was because men were insecure. How powerful this woman must be to change the politics of a male dominated society! If you ever feel unpowerful, remember that small things cause big things to happen.

The second case of insecurity we see is with Haman and his jealousy of Mordechai. When the king promotes Haman, he issues a law that everyone must bow down to him. When Mordechai refuses, Haman is infuriated. This event leads to such insecurity in Haman that instead of killing just Mordechai, he decides to “plot to destroy all the Jews” (3:1-6). A few verses later, Haman shares his insecurities with the King, and the King is now also insecure about the Jewish people potentially not obeying him. Notice that this supposed disobedience is not even real. Haman is using lies to get his way and spreading his insecurity into the royal court. An oppressed people will now suffer even more because of one man’s insecurity.

The third place we see insecurity is when Mordechai calls on Esther to save the Jewish people. What makes Esther different from Haman and the King (aside from the obviousness of being ‘the good guy’) is that her actions are in spite of her insecurity, not because of it. In chapter 4:11, Esther fears for her life while carrying out God’s plan to save the Jewish people by appearing before the King uninvited, which Persian law states is worthy of death. Even though Esther is afraid, she acts with courage, grace, and strategy.

The characters who do not honour God (Haman and the King) are living with their souls unsettled and disintegrated. This is why they cannot handle their insecurity in a healthy way. Instead, they spread it to others like a disease, people are hurt, and some even die. A whole nation is at risk of being wiped out because of one person’s insecurity. In contrast, Esther’s soul is also unsettled- but she and Mordechai have security in the promise of the LORD that he will rescue their people. In fact, Mordechai is so confident in God that he tells Esther if she doesn’t agree to advocate for the Jews God will find someone else to do it. (4:14).

In the Greek version of Esther (which I highly encourage all of you to read) Mordechai has a dream sent by God warning him of Haman’s plan (Esther with Additions, Chapter 11). Mordechai and Esther take this prophecy seriously and respond with prayer and fasting (Esther with Additions, chapter 13 - 14). Despite their unsettled state, their souls do not disintegrate because they are confident in and directed by God. In their prayers they remind God of the promises made to Israel in Genesis to prosper them and to be a blessing to the nations. They also pray for courage, help, and specifically for the King’s heart to “be turned in hate against the man who is fighting against us.” (14:11-14). As the plot unfolds further we see that God causes these events to happen. Haman is brought low and the Jews are free to fight their enemies in a role reversing act of God’s justice. The story of Esther is not really about Esther at all, but about the faithfulness of God who never abandons Israel and by extension will never abandon us.

As a brief epilogue, I would like you to notice that the prayers of the Old testament characters are very specific. Do not be afraid to pray boldly and specifically, in faith. What Esther and Mordechai prayed for happened exactly as they prayed for it. This always causes me to be in awe of God hearing us and being willing to change his plans on human behalf if our prayers are lined up with his heart for the cosmos. James 5:16 tells us that “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Does that fill your heart with excitement? Mine is!

Please remember that while insecurity seems powerful, God is more powerful and more faithful. When you are feeling insecure run to God to find the strength to act with courage and grace despite your feelings. Your identity is not made up of feelings but is found in God who has chosen you to be a blessing for the world!

Go in Peace,


2016 - Sarah Evangline

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