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To the Girl who Hits Rock Bottom

I officially hit rock bottom. My confidence was shaken. I let my fear creep into my mind and dictate my thoughts. And I honestly didn’t know if I was going to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I never thought I was an “emotional girl” – Well I proved myself wrong.

Have you ever felt like this? Have you let your insecurities run wild and dictate your life? Have you lived in the deep, dark valley unable to reach up for the light?

I have.

I have stood in the darkest valley.

It wasn’t just my emotions; my physically body was all out of whack as well. God designed our bodies so complex that when one thing is off; our whole system cannot function properly. I had so many unanswered questions. I didn’t know why I was behaving the way I was. I couldn’t’ even recognize myself and I was hating who I was becoming.

Did I say I was a total MESS?

So, I started to believe the lies of the world. I started to think I had to fix my problems. On my own strength.

And oh. That. Was. The HARDEST part.

It took me a while to realize that I was in an actual physical and spiritual battle. And I was losing.


Because I forgot to trust.

I wanted to fix my own problems so I could get on with my life.

But God doesn’t always give us answers on demand.

No, He loves for us to grow and be challenged in the waiting. Not to punish us, but to delicately show us His ways are what is best.


He said to me, You have nothing to fear. I have already laid the path out for you. There’s not a place you go I have not already been. You just have to trust in Me. Your life is in my Hands.

And that’s what I want to remind you of. You have nothing to fear. This world will always be messy. We will always be imperfect living in it.

We are fearfully, wonderfully AND imperfectly made.

Yet, God is in every detail of our life, delicately working within us.

Even when we forget to trust in Him.

I also want to remind you that insecurity is an illusion. It’s a lie from the evil one who is working against our Saviour. He will do anything to keep you from reaching up to the light.

It’s okay to FEEL insecure, but we must remember our identity is in Jesus Christ alone. Not any worldly obsession or lie swirling around in our mind.

We can REST in Jesus Christ. Ah. When I realized this it was like His love brought me back to life. Really. It will for you too. I promise.

We will never be able to completely escape these dark times. At least, not while we are living on this earth. BUT let’s never forget that Jesus’ promises are eternal. We will live forever with Him one day, in heaven, where are home is. We are CITIZENS of heaven. Part of me can’t wait to be welcomed home for the first time.

‘Cause this world; it’s just the place we pass through, to receive God’s love and live it out.

This is the time to SHUT OUT the lies and insecurities and LIVE OUT Jesus’ love.

Will you SOAK in it?

Remember, you will find the light. Light always wins. God always win. So reach up and grab His light.

It never really left you.

Before we go, here are some amazing things I learned in this dark valley I was in a very short time ago…

1. Gratitude can change your life. It’s changing mine. The mind is such a powerful tool God gave us, but if we aren’t careful it can be used in a very dangerous way. I write out 3 things I am thankful for each day and repeat them in my mind as soon as an insecurity or lie try to creep in. It also will help shut out all the negative emotions you may feel. Try it, and get ready to feel thankful. Because there is God’s goodness in everything.

2. We cannot live this life trying to take control of everything. That’s God’s job. Let Him show you the way, step by step. Allowing HIM to go first.

3. Prayer is not just what we can get out of it; It is an act of SURRENDER.

4. Surround yourself with people who unconditionally love you. Let people see you at your worst. It’s okay. (But make sure to love them back <3

5. God is good. All the time. He never changes. And He has no limits. There is goodness in EVERYTHING.

6. Let it go. Dance in the moment.

7. Soak in God’s Word. The best way to get away from the lies is to read God’s LIVING Word. It’s a free gift. And it will change your world completely.


Reach up and grab Jesus’ light.

And let’s go follow Him

2016 - Sarah Evangline

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