Beauty in the Silence
Have you ever gotten down on your knees to pray and no words seems to come out, and you just sit there in the silence? Silence can be daunting, but it also can be a beautiful thing. Sometimes in this silence we start questioning whether or not God is listening to us or if the things that we are bringing are too huge for him to handle. During these times we need to remember that he is the one who created everything around us and he created us for a purpose. There is nothing he can't handle, he saw your struggles way in advance and knows the things that are stressing you out beyond your control. Now we also got to remember that we have to go through these struggles in life because it is through these times that God reveals himself and shows us something, whether it be showing us new talents or gifts that he has given us, or he is trying to make us wait and be patient. Silence can also be a time of reflection and rejoicing. During periods of silence God is working and it is always a joy to see how God is working in others. We need to sit and reflect on what God has done, is doing, and what he has promised to do. We cannot simply lean on our own strength and understanding and think that we can do things all on our own. At our Sunday night bible study, we learned that in order to propel further we need to lean on God's power and strength. When have you leaned on God for his power and strength? We also learned that the world does not have the last say in our lives. We can have victory over the battles that we face because we have the power of God within us.
Remember to step into what God is asking of you because he knows that you can handle it with him as your strength. Also remember that nothing separates us from his love, and that even in times of loneliness, silence, and anxiety, he is still with us. His love is something that we can always rely on, he gives it to us freely. His love is reckless, overwhelming, and powerful and he will stop at nothing to reach us and show us this love.
Imagine yourself as David about to face Goliath. Are you going to rely on God or rely on your own strength and try to do it alone. Also keep in mind that with God all things are possible and you will never lose the battle with him on your side. So what are you going to choose? Even if you choose to do it alone and fail, God will still love you!!! We will face many battles and some we will lose, but other we will be victorious and those are times for celebration and thanksgiving.
As a closing I wanted to share something that God spoke to me last night while I was writing a song that I titled "I Got You" and I wanted to share the lyrics of the chorus with you: My child, open your ears, I'm shouting out to you. I'm reaching out, take me hand, I'm here to help you through. In this valley, in the darkness, there I'll be the light to guide you, I got you, I got you.
May this be a blessing to all of you this week, Love your sister in Christ, Alexis Hewines