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The best is always yet to come but if we're honest it's hard to believe that all the time. Life can be hard, we stress over day-to-day things and some of us are just stuck in the rut of negativity. We say we love Jesus, but we forget that freedom that comes in knowing who we are in Him. We say we believe Jesus died on the cross to take all our shame away, and still some of us live there.

Personally, I know what it’s like to not look forward to the future, to forget about the HOPE we have in Jesus Christ because of His love for us. I’ve shared with you about my liver condition and how I’ve had to learn to change major lifestyle changes, especially in my diet. But this all didn’t happen overnight. I went through a period of what my doctor calls, “the healing crisis”, where everything gets 10x worse before it can get better. And as this happened to me, I felt stuck in the deepest dark hole of my life. And I lived there; for too long.

I was the girl who was out every night and away most weekends to the girl who could barely make it through the work day and got into my pjs at 4pm. I was the happy go lucky girl who loved life and adventure and I could barely recognize myself in the mirror. How did I get here? Why was this happening to me? All I wanted was to go back to when I was twenty and life was carefree and wild; nothing to worry about.

The worst part was I started hating the life I was given.

It’s been almost three months since I have escaped that dark point in my life. It’s been three months since the Lord poured His spirit and joy back into my life – but the thing is, is that that joy was always there, it was just my choice whether or not to live with it. I’ve learned that my liver issues will always be here, they hopefully will never be as bad as they were, but I will always have to navigate and keep it healthy – so will I wallow in my self-pity or will I step into God’s grace of joy and LIFE? I chose life, and you can too.

And let me tell you, IT IS GOOD TO BE ALIVE.

Like I mentioned earlier this week, pain and this life happen. BUT we get to choose how we live it out. We can either reflect God’s grace or go on living in negativity, darkness and lies.

Jesus Christ died for you. He literally carried that rugged cross, with blood pouring from his head and back. He was mocked, yelled at and tortured. That cross was meant for me, but He carried it instead. He carried it for you too. Jesus also went to the grave for us. There He rested for 3 days. But the story never ends there, does it? No. He rose again. He came back to LIFE. I want to live out that testimony every single day, don’t you?

We need to learn to stop bowing to our shame, regret, failures or illness. We need to instead rise and run out of our graves so we can live this life for the fullest.

The best is yet to come. Seriously. The BEST is always yet to come because we are walking with Jesus, and whatever the battles of this world, He holds the victory.

And also, we can never forget that once we become a new creation, our old life has passed away. We are CITIZENS of heaven. Isn’t that freaking amazing? We no longer live for this painful, dark life – our eyes need to be fixed on that glorious day when Jesus welcomes us home. I for one cannot wait to run into the arms of Jesus and thank Him for carrying that cross so I wouldn’t have to.

No eye has seen no ear has heard and no mind and fully comprehend what God has planned for those who love Him (1 Thess). And Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has great things planned for our future. A future of HOPE, but in verse 12 it says we have to seek Him with all of our hearts.

Will you seek God in all of your heart and mind? Will you put your hope and trust in Him?

My prayer is that you learn to rest in who God has made you to be but also in who God is MAKING you to be. ‘Cause He isn’t done with your life. And that’s why we have to press on into the future, with His HOPE as our stronghold. For joy can be found every single morning. He wants to stretch you, strengthen you, mould you, and prepare you for what is next on your journey.

Giving God your future is the best way to live – the hardest and a daily choice we have to remind ourselves of, but with Jesus we have no fear of what could possibly come tomorrow because He has already fought the good fight for us – God is the God of all your days. There’s not a place you’ll go he’s not already stood.

THE BEST IS FREAKING YET TO COME <3 So go run out of that grave!

2016 - Sarah Evangline

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