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Embrace Your Own Brave Horizon

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, bravery is defined as “the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty” (Merriam-Webster, 2018). While you read on and as I tell my story, I’d like to unpack this definition a little further and talk about what Jesus has to say about being brave in our everyday lives.

First, I think I should introduce myself a little. My name is Katie Wright and I’m not always a very good Christian. What I mean by that is, well, I’m a work in progress. When someone sees me walking down the street, I doubt the first thing they think is “wow, what a lovely young Christian woman.” I have several piercings and tattoos and right now my hair is somewhat purple – none of which necessarily scream “Christian.” I also have a lot of bad behaviours and weaknesses. I swear more than I should, I sometimes smoke, and I’ve had issues with drugs, alcohol, boys and self-harm in the past. I am young and still learning, and still a long way to the end of my earthly journey with Jesus.

I’m hoping at least some of you can relate – that we all do things that are not good but easy. It’s easy to reach out to a boy and fish for compliments to fill that void in your heart when you’re feeling ugly or fat that day. It’s easy to say yes to that boy who’s been putting the moves on you over tinder to hook up – to make you feel pretty, or worthwhile. It’s easy to light up a cigarette when you think the sky is falling and the world is coming to an end because you’ve had a day from you-know-where. It’s easy to be talked into doing drugs by a boy you like because he said it would make you cool (even though you’re 20 something now and never caved into peer pressure in high school, sigh). It’s easy when it seems like your depression has placed you at the bottom of a never-ending well to feel like there is no hope and that unhealthy coping mechanisms of suicidal thoughts and self-harm are your only options.

It’s so easy to say yes to all of these things. These are just my examples. Yours might be similar, and if they are sister, I’m praying for you. Your “easy” things might look way different than mine, and I promise I’m praying for you, too. You see, the “easy” thing and the “brave” thing… they’re not the same thing most of the time, but they can be if you work on it! The world has a lot of easy things which it can give us: adoration, attention, sex, drugs, money, power, pride – all of which have one thing in common – instant gratification. It feels so good in the moment to fill that void in our hearts; however soon after, we feel like crap knowing that we should have made a better choice – a braver choice.

On the other hand, the brave thing to do is to look to Jesus and have our hearts filled through his infinite love. I am still learning this in my everyday life. Embarking on a journey with Jesus is the bravest thing you will ever do! Setting your sights on Him will allow you to say no to all of those “easy” things that the world has to offer so our hearts may say yes to Jesus.

Saying yes to Jesus is also saying “not today, satan” (satan doesn’t deserve a capital S because he sucks!). Every time you have a negative thought or an inkling to act on a worldly impulse that hinders your relationship with Christ, tell satan to crawl back into the hole from whence he came and never return because YOU are a daughter of the Most High King! Say this kind of prayer in Jesus’s name and satan will run scared like the coward he is. Do not be afraid to cast out your own personal demons. Jesus holds all the power my friends – He can and will break our chains of slavery that we have forged to tether us to this world.

It often feels dangerous to step outside of our comfort zones, even when it means doing the right or brave thing. It is that “mental or moral strength” which the first definition mentions that is crucial to our understanding of bravery in Christ. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7, NLT). Remember, the more you practice looking to God over looking to the world, the more your new behaviour will be reinforced. With practice, the “brave” thing and the “easy” thing will become the same thing.

Do not be afraid of who you are or what your struggles may say about you. Use these experiences as tools to learn from, and move forward. Do not worry about upholding a “Christian” image – anyone can look the part. Work on your relationship with Christ, and the rest will follow. Do this and He will use you in ways you could not even begin to imagine! Be brave and be beautiful. Be yourself – because God has and will only create one of you in this entire universe. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and therefore destined embrace your own brave horizon.

Blessings, my friends. I am praying for all who read this that your hearts might be touched and that God tells you something you’ve been waiting to hear. Step out in faith, loved ones. Be Brave <3 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9, NIV).

2016 - Sarah Evangline

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